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London slow to become the 'electric car capital of Europe'

"Only 588 electric cars were registered since Boris Johnson's announcement he would ensure 100,000 electric vehicles were in the city"

Category: Transport


Ministers 'misled MPs over need for nuclear power stations'

"Cross-party report says government misrepresented findings on future electricity demand, and ignored case against nuclear"

Category: Energy sources


China's largest freshwater lake dries up

"Drought and new Three Gorges Dam blamed as fishers forced to seek other work and freight trade comes to a halt"

Category: Climate Change


Rare minerals dearth threatens global renewables industry

"China's near-exclusive access to terbium and yttrium sent prices soaring in 2011, potentially hobbling clean energy industry"

Category: Energy sources


Flooding rated as worst climate change threat facing UK

"Defra report lists 700 impacts, including flood risk for 3.6 million people, water shortages, soil erosion and wildlife disruption"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 361 to 365 out of 2977